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Special Episode - Why I Love PLWD - Ask Dr. Mia Podcast #dementia #caregiver #caregiversupport

In the final episode of season three, Dr. Mia reflects on her love for working with people living with dementia and their caregivers. She shares the inspiring story of a couple, Bill and Pat, who exemplify the extraordinary-ness of caregiving. Dr. Mia discusses the importance of acknowledging, validating, and redirecting communication strategies for dementia care. She also explores the complex emotions and grief that caregivers experience and emphasizes the need for self-compassion and mental health support. Dr. Mia concludes the episode by expressing her gratitude to the listeners and announcing an extended break before the start of season four.


Working with people living with dementia and their caregivers is a labor of love that requires empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Communication strategies like acknowledging, validating, and redirecting can help improve interactions with individuals living with dementia.

Caregiving for someone with memory loss can be emotionally challenging, and it is important for caregivers to seek mental health support and practice self-compassion.

Grief in caregiving can be anticipatory and complicated, and it is essential for caregivers to process their emotions and hold space for their own pain.

Taking breaks and practicing gratitude are important for maintaining well-being and continuing to provide quality care.

00:00 Introduction and Podcast Statistics
01:28 Why I Love Working with People Living with Dementia
02:27 Inspiration from a Couple's Story
03:26 Honoring the Extraordinary-ness of Caregiving
04:26 The Love and Care Provided by Bill
05:21 Moments of Clarity in Pat's Decline
06:20 Bill's Continued Connection with Pat
06:50 Bill's Experience Shared with Medical Students
07:19 The Power of Caring
08:19 The Poem 'Do Not Ask Me to Remember'
09:35 Communication Strategies for Dementia Care
10:35 AVR: Acknowledge, Validate, Redirect
12:58 Holding Space and Staying Grounded in Caregiving
14:13 Processing Grief in Caregiving
15:10 Grief in Anticipation of Loss
16:07 The Complicated Relationship with a Loved One
17:35 Grief in Moments of Crisis
18:36 The Interplay of Parkinson's Disease and Cancer
21:35 The Work of Grief and Soul-Making
24:31 The Importance of Feeling and Holding Space
27:25 Taking an Extended Break and Gratitude